On Friday, the singer shared a photo in honor of the iconic song's 20th anniversary on Instagram. "Oops!... how did 20 years go by so fast?!??! I can’t believe it," Spears wrote in the caption of a photo of her on set from the music video. "I remember that red suit was so freaking hot …. but the dance was fun and it made the shoot fly by !!!!!"
Spears then joked about social distancing due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, referencing the "Oops!... I Did It Again" music video which was set on Mars.
"And now we’re sitting in quarantine wishing we were on Mars ….. of course I am just kidding !!!!!" she wrote. "But seriously you have all shown so much support for this song and I thank you for it …. sending love to you all."
"Oops!... I Did It Again" was released on March 27, 2000, as the lead single from her second studio album. She went on to receive a Grammy nomination for it, and it peaked at No. 9 on Billboard's Hot 100.
MSH WorldWide Company By Marcelo Santiago Hernández.